Compensation Survey
Download the 2020 survey report.
MACE Compensation & Benefits Survey Report
All employers require industry comparisons in order to establish and justify appropriate salaries and benefits for their employees. Chambers of commerce are no different than other employers and require current comprehensive and specific information about compensation in their field. Every two years, MACE conducts and presents a study of local chambers of commerce that analyzes compensation, and benefits. The states surveyed include Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, South Dakota, and Wisconsin.
The help of many individuals and organizations was required to effectively produce this survey. The entire MACE Board of Directors provided leadership to ensure effective implementation and distribution of the survey. The individual state executive associations provided both financial support and critical contact information on the local chambers in their states.
Participant Chambers - As a thank you to all the chamber executives and staff that took the time to fill out the survey, MACE provides the survey report free of charge to participant chambers. Participants will receive an email from MACE with your unique participant coupon code. After adding the survey report to your order (link below), simply enter the code in the coupon code box and click 'update coupon'. The survey price will be reduced to zero and you will be able to proceed with your download order. If you did not receive your email coupon code, contact Dee Schutte at 651.292.3921 or
Non-Participant Chamber - If you did not participate in the 2018 Compensation & Benefits Survey, you are welcome to download the survey report for $55. Click the download button below and proceed with the order instructions.